SCHEDULE FOR CALLBACKS ON MONDAY!!! TIME IS SUBJECT TO ADJUST. PLEASE BE ADVISED. If you cannot be here at your assigned time, please see Mr. Fuller to arrange an alternative. Call Back Schedule Monday 11 December 2017 2:30 JUDAH 3:00 PHAROAH 3:20 REUBEN 3:40 NARRATORS 4:30 JOSEPH 5:00 LEVI 5:30 Everyone
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT CALLBACKS THESE MAY HELP YOU!! 1) do I have to be memorized for callbacks? 1. that would be the best thing to do because it shows your dedication. 2) do I have to find my own partner or do you pair me up with someone you think I look good with? 2. I pair you up with someone randomly when you come to the call back. 3) do we slate? If so how do we slate? 3. no you do not slate 4) if you are putting us with someone that we look good with will my partner and I have time to rehearse with each other at all? 4. no you will not have time to rehearse with that person, it will be the first performance when you perform it for me,,,thats kind of the point. 5) can we write on our callback papers? 5. yes the papers are yours. 6) why does it say "the more prepared you are the better it looks to us as the artistic staff. Please do not try to impersonate the person singing. We want to hear you!" I assume we ignore that? 6. sorry yeah "Singing" should be "Performing" if you do research and watch people who are performing it, dont copy them.